• 34.6523
  • 36.4239
  • 43.8232

Sold - Workplace Devon For Sale Real Estate Ads

Total 1 records found.
Property ID: 1295
Shop & Store - Devon For Sale

Shops For Sale In Ortaca

₺ -
Ortaca is also for sale in the shoe store that has been transferred. The store is in the area where Ortaca's human mobility is the highest, a shopkeeper who has been engaged in the sale of shoes for years sells it as he himself will retire. It is a store with a customer habit. It is estimated that there are 380 - 400 pairs of shoes inside. Shoe display cases and shoe racks are included in the pric
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Date Of Update: 03.12.2024
  • BUY
  • SELL
  • 36.4239
  • 36.5699
  • 34.6523
  • 34.7912
  • 43.8232
  • 44.1486
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